How to Protect Your Pets from the Heat This Summer

How to Protect Your Pets from the Heat This Summer

Summer’s a fun season to be a pet owner because there are so many opportunities for enjoying the outdoors together. While you play, these tips will keep your pets safe from the heat.

Top 7 Summer Safety Tips for Pets

1. Assess the Temperature

Remember that temperature isn’t the only factor affecting the heat your pet experiences; humidity plays a big part, too. Check the forecast before going out with your pets or leaving them unattended outdoors.

2. Avoid Sunburn

Some pets have thick coats that are actually designed to keep them cool. Before trimming your dog’s fur, ask our veterinarian what an appropriate length of cut is for your pet (usually no shorter than about 2-inches) or whether your dog’s coat should be trimmed at all. Dogs with double coats do best with regular brushings to encourage the natural shedding process instead of haircuts.

3. Never Leave a Pet in the Car

The temperature inside a car – even with the windows down – will become dangerously hot in minutes. If your pet can’t come inside, leave them home with the A.C. on.

4. Provide Shade and Water

To regulate body temperature, pets need plenty of water to keep them hydrated and a cool, shady spot to rest.

5. Exercise Safely

Limit exercise on hot days and during the hottest times of the day. Pets will overheat easily when the sun is directly overhead. It’s best to go out for walks in the early morning or late evening. Also, be mindful of the hot pavement, as it can easily burn your pet’s tender paws.

6. Enjoy a Cool Treat

Ice cubes in a water bowl or frozen banana and peanut butter pops are a tasty way to cool down.

7. Recognize the Signs of Heatstroke

Heatstroke can lead to organ damage and even death if left unaddressed. Heavy panting, loss of balance, confusion, glazed eyes, excessive drooling, extreme thirst, vomiting, and diarrhea are all signs of heatstroke.

Be Prepared to Act Fast with Emergency Pet Care

If your pet begins showing signs of heatstroke, take action to cool them down right away. Move them to a shady location, put their paws in cool water, and encourage them to drink. It usually is not a good idea to douse an overheated animal with ice-cold water, as this can cause shock.
No pet owner expects an emergency, but they do happen. Keep the phone number for Wesson Animal Clinic’s emergency service available at all times and contact us immediately if your pet has symptoms of heatstroke.

What’s Itching? The Top 3 Allergens Bugging Our Pets


What's Itching? The Top 3 Allergens Bugging Our Pets

Whether they love furry friends or not, many humans are allergic to cats and dogs. But did you know that our pets can also suffer from similar allergies? Although cats and dogs might not suffer from allergies to themselves or to humans, there are many types of allergens that can lead to uncomfortable symptoms.

The 3 Most Common Types of Allergies for Cats and Dogs

There are numerous different allergens that can affect dogs and cats, and the most common fall into the following three categories of allergens:

1. Environmental Allergies

Environmental allergies are caused by allergens found in your pet’s environment. These can include things like pollen, dust, and mold, in addition to irritants such as cigarette smoke, household cleaners, and perfumes. Environmental allergies will often ebb and flow with the changing seasons.

2. Food Allergies

Cats and dogs can also develop allergies to certain ingredients in their food. These might include specific types of protein or ingredients like dairy, eggs, soy, corn, or wheat. If you suspect your pet has a food allergy, it will be helpful for our veterinarian to know all the ingredients your pet has been exposed to through his or her diet.

3. Flea Allergies

Cats and dogs can also develop allergies to certain ingredients in their food. These might include specific types of protein or ingredients like dairy, eggs, soy, corn, or wheat. If you suspect your pet has a food allergy, it will be helpful for our veterinarian to know all the ingredients your pet has been exposed to through his or her diet.

Allergy Symptoms in Dogs and Cats

In humans, allergies usually cause watery eyes and sneezing. While some pets do develop respiratory symptoms, the most common allergy symptoms in pets include:
If you notice any changes in your pet’s behavior or appearance, this could indicate allergies or illness, and you should schedule a veterinary appointment right away.

How to Solve Your Pet's Allergy Problem

There are several different ways to treat pets for allergies including lifestyle adjustments, elimination diets, parasite preventatives, medicated baths, medications, and even allergy shots. The best way to treat a pet for allergies is to eliminate the allergen from the pet’s environment. But in order to solve any pet’s allergy problem, we first need to figure out what’s bothering your pet.
If you notice any symptoms of allergies in your dog or cat, we welcome you to schedule an appointment at Wesson Animal Clinic. We’ll work with you to get to the bottom of your pet’s allergy problem and determine the best allergy treatment plan for your pet.

6 Creative Ways to Stay Active with Your Pet During the Pandemic


6 Creative Ways to Stay Active with Your Pet During the Pandemic

Studies have shown that pet owners – especially those with dogs – are up to four times more active than their petless counterparts. While you work from home and practice social distancing, fight the urge to give into couch-potato-dom because staying active is important for physical and mental wellbeing. Thankfully, there are plenty of fun and creative ways for both you and your pets to stay busy, physically fit, and mentally upbeat during the pandemic.

How to Stay Active with Your Pet While Social Distancing

1. Backyard Barking

If you have a private outdoor space, use it! You’ll be safe and your pet will enjoy the fresh air. Be sure to go out during the cooler mornings or evenings.

2. Find a Wide-Open Public Space

If you don’t have your own yard, avoid crowded outdoor spaces like dog parks. If you do visit a public space, go during off-hours and be sure to practice social distancing.

3. Play Inside

You can be active with your pet indoors, too. Play fetch in a hallway, get a rope toy for tug-o-war, or stash toys for hide-and-seek.

4. Create an Agility Course

Videos of cats (expertly) and dogs (not so expertly) maneuvering through homemade obstacle courses are sweeping social media. Set up plastic cups, bottles, pillows, boxes, or stacked blocks and encourage your pet through with treats. Don’t forget to catch it on video to share with your friends.

5. Practice Tricks

Research training techniques and then get up from the sofa to work with your dog or cat. You can practice old tricks or teach them something new. Either way, you’ll both have fun while you interact and bond.

6. Keep Their Minds Busy

Videos of cats (expertly) and If you need pets to be quiet during a conference call, we recommend giving them puzzles to solve. This will keep their minds busy and their snouts occupied while you work. Treat puzzles are great for entertaining both cats and dogs. Just make sure you find time to help your pet burn off the extra snacks with some active play.

We're Here for You and Our Pet Patients During the Pandemic

Our Mobile, AL veterinary clinic is open and operating safely during the pandemic. While we’re closely monitoring the situation in our community, veterinarians at Wesson Animal Clinic are committed to providing ongoing care to our pet patients. We’re practicing social distancing and increased safety measures for the health of our clients, staff, and community. To learn more or schedule an appointment for your pet, we welcome you to contact us today.

Novel Coronavirus and Your Pets: What You Need to Know


Novel Coronavirus and Your Pets: What You Need to Know

While novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV2) responsible for the disease COVID-19, continues to affect the world, many pet owners are social distancing, sheltering in place, or quarantined while wondering whether the virus can have any effect on their pets.

Are Cats and Dogs at Risk of Contracting or Transmitting Novel Coronavirus?

Neither a clear nor definitive answer exists to this question. Currently, there is no evidence that cats or dogs are able to contract or transmit SARS-CoV2. However, much more research is needed to understand if/how this virus affects domestic animals.

Feline Coronavirus and Canine Coronavirus Are Not the Same as Novel Coronavirus

Certain strains of coronavirus can be contracted and transmitted by dogs (CCoV), cats (FCoV), and other domestic animals. These strains of coronavirus, however, are different from SARS-CoV2 and are not transmissible to humans.

How to Protect Your Pets and Family During the Novel Coronavirus Pandemic

Since it remains unclear whether the novel coronavirus will have any impact on pets, the AVMA recommends that pet owners take precautions to keep their pets and families safe.
During this time, you should practice social distancing with your pets in order to prevent them from being exposed to the virus via interaction with humans or pets from separate households. It’s important to keep in mind that while we don’t know for sure whether pets can transmit SARS-CoV2, they can still act as surface carriers. If pets are exposed, you could be exposed by petting your dog or cat and then touching your face.
Numerous zoonotic diseases exist, so it’s always smart to wash your hands before and after interacting with any animals.

Wesson Animal Clinic's Novel Coronavirus Response

At Wesson Animal Clinic, we’re taking extra precautions to keep our clients, patients, and staff safe, while continuing to provide exceptional veterinary care during this unprecedented time. We’re still open during regular business hours, but are providing curbside service to our patients and clients.
When you arrive for your appointment, we’ll send a representative out to collect your pet, and we ask that you remain inside your vehicle. To minimize human contact and exposure, we’re also encouraging clients to pay via credit or debit card over the phone. If you or another member of your household is feeling sick, we request that you reschedule your pet’s appointment, if it’s not an urgent situation.
For more information about scheduling and rescheduling appointments or picking up your pet’s medication and other supplies at this time, we welcome you to contact our office. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have.